Monday, December 6, 2010

Copyright-Microsoft Office

Not only in electronics, but also in software... copyright is also important in the present age  such as Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Office was a unique software. However, people can download this software any time, any where. Copyright becomes a tendency that performs practically and no function for every people. Microsoft services and products content including: images, text and software download, that all owed by Microsoft Corporation. If you wanna use them, you must pay money for Microsoft Office. Now the Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 price is  $149.99.That's lowest price than other Microsoft Office software.

* Now, there is a amazing method you can download software and use it, paid $0. Do you wanna try it? You can download 'green software' for Microsoft Office, absolutely its pirated software.
Office Home and Student 2010
* Otherwise, you can paid $1, get a disk, of course it is pirated too.

Along with the development of the advanced technology, prated problem has been causing in modern time. Therefore, copyright Law becomes more and more important.

 Copyright Law stipulate: If some people copyright software and reject, that violates the copyright  owner's and gives rise to copyright infringement. If you create a new work including other people's project (For example: text, image), you must get admit from owners.

Copyright Law is different from other common law. When you buy a physical object, that means you own the physical possession of object and automatically grants you have the right to copy or share it

The important point is you must buy the physical object from copyright owner, not copying other owners' work.

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