Sunday, November 21, 2010

History of copyright law

File:Copyright (Simple English) Wikibook header.png

Early European printer's monopoly:

The copyright law originates in 15th-16th centuries. At that time, it relies on the control and regulation of printing from the European church and governments. Then ,it becomes an authority.

During this period, governments and church take many methods to make printing. At first, knowledge like Bibles and government information is allowed to disseminate and spread over all the country.Then, with the rapid circulation and boom creation of information, the governments arise    one method: control printer method-official license. For this license, it empower the right to the particular work at a fixed time, which avoiding import and print of others' same work at the same time. With the development of printing and the press, the idea about dissent information  is accepted without censorship and punishment of law  

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