Thursday, November 25, 2010

Your intellectual property and copyright issues. methods to avoid big problems

I think everybody at least once in the life created or did something that can cause respectful feelings from people around you, isn`t it?
In modern world, share your ideas and developments with others became as easy as it possible. You just need to upload you stuff and send links to people whom you want to show it. However, Are you sure that your "stuff" or intellectual property keep in safe? o_O
Maybe it`s time to check it out?

 First of all, there are plenty of hosting websites, where you can upload your photographs and keep it private or have and use some sort of digital copies of your images. For example photobucket or imageshack etc.

However, if you want to share your images with others in this case you will need to open your albums or account and this action automatically share your images with other sources and users.

Another way at least to keep your copyrights belong to you is to include copyrights or credits on your images.
On the other hand, if you don`t like or don`t know how to use to photoshop you can use sites such as On my opinion, this is really good opportunity to keep your property with you. However, from this source you also can download  easily and credits (copyrights) that you include to your images usually look like this.
If you agree with this conditions, this way can be really good resolution for you.

Moreover, if you want  to be a professional , for example, in photography, you can create your own website in flash format  (as Zhang Jingna portfolio) 

Which means that to download photographs is quite impossible until you, as an owner, could give an permission. However,  your own website needs to invest money in it, so don`t forget about this >_<

Furthermore, you can check and follow your images, particularly where your images were posted by special program such as TinEye

In addition, there are plenty of variants how you can safe your property, the main idea is to know a few things and avoid them. Anyway, good luck =**

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