Monday, December 6, 2010

Copyright-Microsoft Office

Not only in electronics, but also in software... copyright is also important in the present age  such as Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Office was a unique software. However, people can download this software any time, any where. Copyright becomes a tendency that performs practically and no function for every people. Microsoft services and products content including: images, text and software download, that all owed by Microsoft Corporation. If you wanna use them, you must pay money for Microsoft Office. Now the Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 price is  $149.99.That's lowest price than other Microsoft Office software.

* Now, there is a amazing method you can download software and use it, paid $0. Do you wanna try it? You can download 'green software' for Microsoft Office, absolutely its pirated software.
Office Home and Student 2010
* Otherwise, you can paid $1, get a disk, of course it is pirated too.

Along with the development of the advanced technology, prated problem has been causing in modern time. Therefore, copyright Law becomes more and more important.

 Copyright Law stipulate: If some people copyright software and reject, that violates the copyright  owner's and gives rise to copyright infringement. If you create a new work including other people's project (For example: text, image), you must get admit from owners.

Copyright Law is different from other common law. When you buy a physical object, that means you own the physical possession of object and automatically grants you have the right to copy or share it

The important point is you must buy the physical object from copyright owner, not copying other owners' work.

Monday, November 29, 2010

I download, I share Am I Infringe copyrights?_?

With growing popularity of social network and internet in general artistic people get lots of benefits for promoting events around them (concerts, tours, new releases etc) as transmition of information about them into different places even other countries. 
As a result, international debut is not so big deal now e.g. You, as person of art, do not need to wait 10 years or more to give performances abroad. The same for ordinary users, can U ever imagine, for example about 5 years ago, that  right now You, lets imagine, fan of rock music can listen traditional rock`n roll with big portion of hardcore in japanese interpretation? 
However, there are incredible rock bands from Japan who can play american rock`n roll at motherland  with similar fresh and aggressive style with such fancy and bright shows. Just to prove it, find videos of japanese band VAMPS and you will understand what I mean ^_- In english interpretation it named as Jrock.

You can ask: What is she talking about ? What kind of relation this intro has with copyright issues?
And I will tell you, directly important and straight.
Just to remind you  America is the first country in the world by releasing all kinds of music. But, do you know who are on the second place by music releases in the world? Japan, this country, no doubt, has one of the best bands of all kinds of music in the world and  best good looking of artists as best concerts and performances, all this things assign to Japan deservedly.

However, problems with copyright issues face to the japanese artists more than anyone else.

Of course, this point can be defensible with farness of Japan from other world, on the other hand music is something that unite people from dateless time and here question : "How?" is relevant. 

Moreover, internet in this aspect is helpful as nothing else. You can order albums, singles or even merchendise and tickets to the concerts online the same as you do within your own country. However, people prefer to download music, enjoy DVD`s of the concerts instead of visited as just look at merchemdise or, even, try to do by themselvs in favour of order and wait. And in this case, is it really infinge of copyrights??? In fact now, in the web there is a specific Filesharing Act of Ethical Issues which can justify you in face of all owners of that property. As a result be wise when somebody try to treat you as a theif because you download from the web, because nowadays different business PR companies that deal with music production can use as persuasion which affects you to buy.

Moreover, to read more opinions about that you can on Electronic Frontier Foundation who also specialise about filesharing problems. 

 To conclude, return to the question in the head,  on my opinion, you can answer by yourself, are you really break somebodys copyrights or you do not give them oppotunity to get earn extra money...

copyright issue in china

With time going by, copyright issue  are becoming increasingly important in China, as we all know by now China is powerful processing industry country.Because in China work force are low-priced, the widening gap between gap between rich and poor. Everyone knows China's development country in copy technology, employer take low operating costs and low-priced staff salary to production 'brand', without doubt that's false corn. These 'brand' has low mass quality, usually these 'brand' are famous and wide range of every territory, from electricity, clothes and articles for daily use such as iphone, lascoste, pen ......

 For example: Iphone from the first image you can see 'iphone' shaping is similar with iphone but lack of vision, on the bottom of image has a logo if 'mountain fastness's telephone'. The term of 'mountain fastness' definition is plagiarize, low priced and thin on the ground . The second image show interface management interior difference between iphone, make people feeling frippery.


Over these year, Apple not only has unique appearance, but also make one system belong themself to control iphone.

Apple iPhone
Do you want to jailbreak that iPhone 4? In China has 80percent iphone owner choice jailbreak their iphone. Because, if you jailbreak, you can use 91 system to control your iphone not only use itunes, that's meaning of you can free download any app form app store, Do you feel amazing about this? But this ture, every body knows china

However, The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) staff attorney Corynne McSherry said :"Copyright law has long held that making programs interoperable is fair use." Therefore EFF, which made the formal application to the Copyright Office to give the green light to jailbreaking, hailed the Copyright Office's decision as a major breakthrough. According to the EFF, as many as 1 million users may have jailbroken their iPhones, and  ruling takes them out of legal dangern on july 2010.

Now Jailbreaking an iPhone is Fair Use. However  jailbreaking will bring  harm on iphone, such as can not working(white apple). But if you jailbreaking, you can not enjoy guarantee for apple. Jailbreaking? Jailbreaking? Up to you..... "risk".....

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Your intellectual property and copyright issues. methods to avoid big problems

I think everybody at least once in the life created or did something that can cause respectful feelings from people around you, isn`t it?
In modern world, share your ideas and developments with others became as easy as it possible. You just need to upload you stuff and send links to people whom you want to show it. However, Are you sure that your "stuff" or intellectual property keep in safe? o_O
Maybe it`s time to check it out?

 First of all, there are plenty of hosting websites, where you can upload your photographs and keep it private or have and use some sort of digital copies of your images. For example photobucket or imageshack etc.

However, if you want to share your images with others in this case you will need to open your albums or account and this action automatically share your images with other sources and users.

Another way at least to keep your copyrights belong to you is to include copyrights or credits on your images.
On the other hand, if you don`t like or don`t know how to use to photoshop you can use sites such as On my opinion, this is really good opportunity to keep your property with you. However, from this source you also can download  easily and credits (copyrights) that you include to your images usually look like this.
If you agree with this conditions, this way can be really good resolution for you.

Moreover, if you want  to be a professional , for example, in photography, you can create your own website in flash format  (as Zhang Jingna portfolio) 

Which means that to download photographs is quite impossible until you, as an owner, could give an permission. However,  your own website needs to invest money in it, so don`t forget about this >_<

Furthermore, you can check and follow your images, particularly where your images were posted by special program such as TinEye

In addition, there are plenty of variants how you can safe your property, the main idea is to know a few things and avoid them. Anyway, good luck =**

Sunday, November 21, 2010

History of copyright law

File:Copyright (Simple English) Wikibook header.png

Early European printer's monopoly:

The copyright law originates in 15th-16th centuries. At that time, it relies on the control and regulation of printing from the European church and governments. Then ,it becomes an authority.

During this period, governments and church take many methods to make printing. At first, knowledge like Bibles and government information is allowed to disseminate and spread over all the country.Then, with the rapid circulation and boom creation of information, the governments arise    one method: control printer method-official license. For this license, it empower the right to the particular work at a fixed time, which avoiding import and print of others' same work at the same time. With the development of printing and the press, the idea about dissent information  is accepted without censorship and punishment of law  

Monday, November 15, 2010

Copyright issues what`s that?!

In modern world this phrase became popular not only through owners of intellectual properties but through ordinary users as well. For example here particularly relate to ordinary user. However this is creepy america with their variety of freaky situations about copyright  issues in music productions that nowadays looks like PR goal neither real violation or stolen property. What about another world? Another forms of copyright issues? Differences between copyright, patent and other conditions to prove that particularly this staff were created by you? All of this will be discussed in  this blog.
On my point of view, it`s better to identify what kind of this specific gadgets you might have and differences between them. First of all, trademark looks:
Also, this sign and property relates to the business organisations that used their own developed sign (for example coffee "Starbucks", Apple corp etc.). More info about that.
Moreover, there is patent and there is original explanation of copyright you can read here.
 Generally, it`s the most recognisable sign that represented  with slogan:
To consider: there few articles about destruction  of terms that I just highlighted: