Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another portion of copyrights scandals

I guess it`s not hard to understand from the beginnig what I will talk about. To add, here, I will look it through using all knoweldges that I `ve got from creation of previous posts and show my opinion about these events.
However, before I start, I understand one thing, from time to time various companies, organizations or celebrities create this "copyright scandals"  for promoting something rather than showing real violation. It`s pitty, it didn`t give enough "food" for my topic. Anyway, I will try to find something vulnerable and really interesting as much as relevant.

First of all, as for me it`s look like a gossip. However, recently, in Japan, creator of Vocaloid the one who develope famous vocaloid signers accused another quite famous(in global level in privaties) j-pop band KAT-TUNof copyright violation particularly in sound similarities. For details come here.

 On my view, in this case opinion of experts should be involved, as for ordinary user these two songs (find out on the link below) completely different, and I don`t really sure that it will disturb KAT-TUN band as well as Vocaliod so maybe it will be rational to identify that as a gossip story. On the other hand, in japan it cause really big scandal on the national level o.O" Anyway, whatever...

Easy to use...Easy to hack?
This is an intro for the news article about copyright scandal around Ipad that took place in the middle of 2010. In other words after Ipad promotion company had started. The whole article written by Joey Rogers that constructed on two previous articles about security "holes"  in Apple Corp in which author tried to understand how Apple products can be so safety as they persuade their customers. And another article about hacker work of Apple where notorious corporation named as new hacker bulls-eye.As a result Roger`s work is about hacker strategy of Ipad which cause another aspect of ageless copyright scandal with Google 
that had been started in early 2000`s and who knows are they found any solutions or what ?_?

Anyway, "Apple" once again was accused in hacker staff and what is more intersting, during promotion of Ipad. Nobody knows what is reason of that accusation, where evidencies, the main idea is to find a guilty and "going from opposite" give them extra promotion, I guess.

On the canadian website  
just yesterday I found an article about copyright scandal particularly plagiarism that appeared in Cooks Source magazine. On my view, this is a real copyrights scandal, not gossip or promotoin becausemagazine was made to be close because of that issue. So I was happy that I found that :D.

Focuse on article, just in the introduction it starts about internet area and the how it works for such unfair cases and help with those, and this is really the voice that need to be listen.

Moreover, about the whole article, as I uderstand, scandal began from the top of the magazine and connected with editor`s transgressions. Here, in that article you can find an background of htat journal and opinions and global help. Thanks to Facebook. More info

Few words about citizen journalism

And from that  point I want to mention about role of internet community and  citizen journalism importance.
It`s not a big deal to find a reason why these terms such as internet community and citizen journalism are existed.

Inetrnet area, no doubt, one of the most fast grown areas in the world as one of the most popular news source and place for keeping different opinions at least on a no-name basis. However, it need to be redacted or constructed by rational as professional view. Otherwise, that part of internet (blogging, disccusion boards, forums) turn into data trash.

As a result we have specialists who organized mechanical and designer construction and somebody who wrote their rational opinions about current events, something that show real situation or highleghted someting that you will never find somewhere else.

This is a role of citizen journalists they do that work: writing articles, writing  opinions about others articles (social events) or push you to open eyes on problems that TV media persuade you as already solved.

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