Monday, January 10, 2011

How to copyright Music....

As we know songs' copyright including to 1) make copies and duplicate owner CD 2) distrbute owner music 3) preapre derivative works 4) perform publicly via digital audio transmission 5) display the product pubicly 6) perform the songs publicy

As a serious musician if you are, you are willing to register your original songs at the U.S. Copyright office. This will protect your original songs no matter someone steals or anytime and anywhere. A whole CD of collected works can only just one song for possible digital distribution. This procedure is uniform. The U.S. copyright office hopes you to register your original music at online which called the ECO online system. You need to create an account for yourself and login. After that, you will prepare to start. This procedure is not difficult for you, but the technical language may be complicated. The online process can guide you finish enrollment step by step, it can teach you how to use the system and what information goes where. You needn’t worry about whom stealing your song if your song is registered. If someone steals your song, you should smile with that. Because the bank will pay money which is high for copyright.

 If you wanna to copyright a single song, you can login this web site. At this web this web site you can upload your digital files, such as music, video, picture or whatever if you want . The important thing is this service if free and it's a very simple to copyright your individual music creation. 

However, the above method only face to citizen of the United Stated, because the comments above do not apple to you as every country handles the copyright process a bit differently. 

There has some website about copyright, you can login and researching your copyright option.

The U.S. Copyright Office:
Copyright and Fair Use:
Copyright Your Web Site:
Copyright Form SR:
Copyright Your Digital Creation:
World Intellection Property Org:
The Harry Fox Agency:

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