Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ready to serve. Photography and copyright.

"The most controversy topic nowadays" as I understand it after looking through enormous amount of forums, websites and blogs >_<.Every user who ever met this agreed that this is tough and sometimes, unfair aspect. This post is straight forward to  my part of interview.
First of all, it`s better to know for the young photographer, musician or author , your rights before you will start.

On my opinion, here, these rules and conditions explained as easy as it possible.
First of all, for yourself it`s better to identify, why you decide to join this sort of activity, are quite mmm...patient, I think, to tolerate all sometimes ugly things that artistic area has inside of it.
If you`re sure that you ready go down.

From time to time, when beginner thinking about professional career of phorographer (let`s identify this topic as post for photographers, however, information that was used here, can be helpful for another qualifications such as musicians, writers ect.)he or she at one perfect moment understand that rather technique things which usually follow photographic world than juridicial staff is important to know.

 As a result such differencies as copyrights trademarks, watermarks that in usual life looks really easy turns into serious headache in particular specification. Especially, problems connect with your intellectual property.
What to do, watermarked it or put copyright sign?
I believe, answers you can find here, at least you can ask your questions in FAQ (Q & A) side.

What is more, don`t be suspicious with all of that "copyright trash". If you don`t sure or at least didn`t understand something go to the photography forums, read interviews, ask for visual examples, it is internet nobody will hurt you and shout at your in face.

However, some people prefer to learn from their own mistakes, why not- good experience. In this case, bare in mind a few techniques, as in that article.

On other hand, forums it`s not an elixir. Different people, various opinions as a result numerous myths and extra worries; be objective and ask for advise from professional, maybe it`s better to do it face to face.

As my interviewee suggest, "to watermarked your work and publish it as quickly as you can"  here you can find simple guide that explaines how to deal with it.

No doubt, everybody search in the internet before starting to work on their own. In this case, I believe, the main idea it`s not to forget about ethical and moral as fair dealing points. Nevertheless, they are necessarily and important as in personal life as in workplace. Be honest and you will render.

In addition, good luck *.*

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