Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another portion of copyrights scandals

I guess it`s not hard to understand from the beginnig what I will talk about. To add, here, I will look it through using all knoweldges that I `ve got from creation of previous posts and show my opinion about these events.
However, before I start, I understand one thing, from time to time various companies, organizations or celebrities create this "copyright scandals"  for promoting something rather than showing real violation. It`s pitty, it didn`t give enough "food" for my topic. Anyway, I will try to find something vulnerable and really interesting as much as relevant.

First of all, as for me it`s look like a gossip. However, recently, in Japan, creator of Vocaloid the one who develope famous vocaloid signers accused another quite famous(in global level in privaties) j-pop band KAT-TUNof copyright violation particularly in sound similarities. For details come here.

 On my view, in this case opinion of experts should be involved, as for ordinary user these two songs (find out on the link below) completely different, and I don`t really sure that it will disturb KAT-TUN band as well as Vocaliod so maybe it will be rational to identify that as a gossip story. On the other hand, in japan it cause really big scandal on the national level o.O" Anyway, whatever...

Easy to use...Easy to hack?
This is an intro for the news article about copyright scandal around Ipad that took place in the middle of 2010. In other words after Ipad promotion company had started. The whole article written by Joey Rogers that constructed on two previous articles about security "holes"  in Apple Corp in which author tried to understand how Apple products can be so safety as they persuade their customers. And another article about hacker work of Apple where notorious corporation named as new hacker bulls-eye.As a result Roger`s work is about hacker strategy of Ipad which cause another aspect of ageless copyright scandal with Google 
that had been started in early 2000`s and who knows are they found any solutions or what ?_?

Anyway, "Apple" once again was accused in hacker staff and what is more intersting, during promotion of Ipad. Nobody knows what is reason of that accusation, where evidencies, the main idea is to find a guilty and "going from opposite" give them extra promotion, I guess.

On the canadian website  
just yesterday I found an article about copyright scandal particularly plagiarism that appeared in Cooks Source magazine. On my view, this is a real copyrights scandal, not gossip or promotoin becausemagazine was made to be close because of that issue. So I was happy that I found that :D.

Focuse on article, just in the introduction it starts about internet area and the how it works for such unfair cases and help with those, and this is really the voice that need to be listen.

Moreover, about the whole article, as I uderstand, scandal began from the top of the magazine and connected with editor`s transgressions. Here, in that article you can find an background of htat journal and opinions and global help. Thanks to Facebook. More info

Few words about citizen journalism

And from that  point I want to mention about role of internet community and  citizen journalism importance.
It`s not a big deal to find a reason why these terms such as internet community and citizen journalism are existed.

Inetrnet area, no doubt, one of the most fast grown areas in the world as one of the most popular news source and place for keeping different opinions at least on a no-name basis. However, it need to be redacted or constructed by rational as professional view. Otherwise, that part of internet (blogging, disccusion boards, forums) turn into data trash.

As a result we have specialists who organized mechanical and designer construction and somebody who wrote their rational opinions about current events, something that show real situation or highleghted someting that you will never find somewhere else.

This is a role of citizen journalists they do that work: writing articles, writing  opinions about others articles (social events) or push you to open eyes on problems that TV media persuade you as already solved.

Ready to serve. Photography and copyright.

"The most controversy topic nowadays" as I understand it after looking through enormous amount of forums, websites and blogs >_<.Every user who ever met this agreed that this is tough and sometimes, unfair aspect. This post is straight forward to  my part of interview.
First of all, it`s better to know for the young photographer, musician or author , your rights before you will start.

On my opinion, here, these rules and conditions explained as easy as it possible.
First of all, for yourself it`s better to identify, why you decide to join this sort of activity, are quite mmm...patient, I think, to tolerate all sometimes ugly things that artistic area has inside of it.
If you`re sure that you ready go down.

From time to time, when beginner thinking about professional career of phorographer (let`s identify this topic as post for photographers, however, information that was used here, can be helpful for another qualifications such as musicians, writers ect.)he or she at one perfect moment understand that rather technique things which usually follow photographic world than juridicial staff is important to know.

 As a result such differencies as copyrights trademarks, watermarks that in usual life looks really easy turns into serious headache in particular specification. Especially, problems connect with your intellectual property.
What to do, watermarked it or put copyright sign?
I believe, answers you can find here, at least you can ask your questions in FAQ (Q & A) side.

What is more, don`t be suspicious with all of that "copyright trash". If you don`t sure or at least didn`t understand something go to the photography forums, read interviews, ask for visual examples, it is internet nobody will hurt you and shout at your in face.

However, some people prefer to learn from their own mistakes, why not- good experience. In this case, bare in mind a few techniques, as in that article.

On other hand, forums it`s not an elixir. Different people, various opinions as a result numerous myths and extra worries; be objective and ask for advise from professional, maybe it`s better to do it face to face.

As my interviewee suggest, "to watermarked your work and publish it as quickly as you can"  here you can find simple guide that explaines how to deal with it.

No doubt, everybody search in the internet before starting to work on their own. In this case, I believe, the main idea it`s not to forget about ethical and moral as fair dealing points. Nevertheless, they are necessarily and important as in personal life as in workplace. Be honest and you will render.

In addition, good luck *.*

Scanning journals is it copyright disturbance

First of all, let`s clarify problem with scanning journals and what doest it mean?
Scanning journals is the electronic copy of the real magazine which was multiplyed by ordinarty scanner, usually every page is a separated image that after scanning was upload to the hosting and posted somewhere in the internet. The most popular place is livejournal. As an example.

Usually, scanning magazines is a japanese regularly editions of jrock and japanese ordinary life, fashion etc.
The main issue is a intellectual property and ownership relations. Usually, scanleitors or people who buy magazines scanning them and face to the public, ask users to credit journals as...their own work!!!

Which means that they automatically become owners of  the whole edition o.O
On my opinion, this is crap...No doubt, it`s a good work to show public their favoirute idols, BUT for what you need requirements and credits adressing to them as the author  while all copyrights already reserved in Japan between publishers and PR offices as well as with printed company.

I guess, this is a real disturbance, infringement, violation or whatever you can named it.

It can be justify as impossibility to buy these magazines in your own country. However, I find some of them in Australia and, Australia, honestly not so big fan of japanese music and lifestely, however...

Unfortunately, this problem is not a necessary condition that scanleitors strongly advise you to do, it`s already...tradition...Example or as it showing here

Monday, January 10, 2011

Copyright of Brand need your protection

In the present competitive market, there is more and more counterfeit brand. In Sydney, we can see a large number of famous brand bags are sold in Chinatown or some small shops. Compared with the genuine brand, although these bags have the same patent and logo, their materials have big difference. The real brand has a good touch and higher quality, but the quality of imitation brand is bad.

There are two kinds of situations. One is the imitation products copy the real brand’s patent and logo, and the other one is just imitate the logo. As every knows that the logo of KFC, PLAYBOY , STARBUCKS and so on. But we can see some mimic logo in China like KFG, PAPERBOY, GEORGI AMONI. At first sight seem that they are the real brands.

Why more and more consumers prefer to buy imitation brand? There is an example, a real bag from Louis Vuitton (LV) at least need 1000 dollars. But in Chinatown, it only needs 70 dollars, and some high imitation just needs no more than 400 dollars. However, some consumers do not have enough money to buy a real brand, but they still have conceit, as a result, they choose the imitation brand.

These imitation really hurt the copyright of brand. More and more consumers are patronizing these imitations and this hurt the business of brand. The question of brand infringement due to similar packaging, graphics, or product claims (Chonko and Hunt, 1985,p.347). Sometimes, consumers can not discern quickly whether it is brand because of the similar packaging. So, manufacturers can do some work on the packaging.

In my opinion, it’s time to protect the copyright of our brand. Because the good material and high quality is more secure. And we can get a better after-sales from  the real brand.


How to copyright Music....

As we know songs' copyright including to 1) make copies and duplicate owner CD 2) distrbute owner music 3) preapre derivative works 4) perform publicly via digital audio transmission 5) display the product pubicly 6) perform the songs publicy

As a serious musician if you are, you are willing to register your original songs at the U.S. Copyright office. This will protect your original songs no matter someone steals or anytime and anywhere. A whole CD of collected works can only just one song for possible digital distribution. This procedure is uniform. The U.S. copyright office hopes you to register your original music at online which called the ECO online system. You need to create an account for yourself and login. After that, you will prepare to start. This procedure is not difficult for you, but the technical language may be complicated. The online process can guide you finish enrollment step by step, it can teach you how to use the system and what information goes where. You needn’t worry about whom stealing your song if your song is registered. If someone steals your song, you should smile with that. Because the bank will pay money which is high for copyright.

 If you wanna to copyright a single song, you can login this web site. At this web this web site you can upload your digital files, such as music, video, picture or whatever if you want . The important thing is this service if free and it's a very simple to copyright your individual music creation. 

However, the above method only face to citizen of the United Stated, because the comments above do not apple to you as every country handles the copyright process a bit differently. 

There has some website about copyright, you can login and researching your copyright option.

The U.S. Copyright Office:
Copyright and Fair Use:
Copyright Your Web Site:
Copyright Form SR:
Copyright Your Digital Creation:
World Intellection Property Org:
The Harry Fox Agency:

"Ugg" or "Uggs"


Ugg under copyright threat 

In china you can see many kinds of imitation women’s Ugg boots. The appearance looks the same as the original Ugg , which is difficult to make judgment if it is true or not. In fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that the material has big difference. For example, the real Ugg has higher priority quality and opposite pinchbeck. Usually, the real Ugg is made of leatheroid materials. Unfortunately, you not only can buy the UGG imitation on store ,but also get them online. The price keeps between 50 -- 2000 RMB, obviously,   the piratical Ugg is sold in lowest price. 

During I study abroad , I find imitation in sydney as well. In sydney, many shoe retailers and stores such as Chinatown shop have their own brand names of womens Ugg boots on sale, however,the sign of imitation Ugg boots shows the same price as the real Ugg. There are  Women Ugg imitation and childrens Uggs on sale in local  stores. With the development of  technology, youcan find some great deals on online shopping. When i search Google for 'imitation Ugg' and i am amazed with how many results i find. For instance, Amazon ,as famous online shopping website ,is full with many imitation Ugg retailers online too.

Emu is famous genuine Ugg style boot from reputable retailers, which has 10%-20% off price than  Ugg. Furthermore,you can choose online shopping or go to retailer store to find fake imitations whatever you like– fakes are not just limited to Uggs!

In my opinion, despite the real Ugg boots Australia are more expensive than buy the  imitators, I make sure Ugg boots Australia are more comfortable than imitator. If you buy genuine Ugg Boots from a reputable online shoe shopping site, it means you can wear last for years, rather than weeks or months.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Copyright-Microsoft Office

Not only in electronics, but also in software... copyright is also important in the present age  such as Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Office was a unique software. However, people can download this software any time, any where. Copyright becomes a tendency that performs practically and no function for every people. Microsoft services and products content including: images, text and software download, that all owed by Microsoft Corporation. If you wanna use them, you must pay money for Microsoft Office. Now the Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 price is  $149.99.That's lowest price than other Microsoft Office software.

* Now, there is a amazing method you can download software and use it, paid $0. Do you wanna try it? You can download 'green software' for Microsoft Office, absolutely its pirated software.
Office Home and Student 2010
* Otherwise, you can paid $1, get a disk, of course it is pirated too.

Along with the development of the advanced technology, prated problem has been causing in modern time. Therefore, copyright Law becomes more and more important.

 Copyright Law stipulate: If some people copyright software and reject, that violates the copyright  owner's and gives rise to copyright infringement. If you create a new work including other people's project (For example: text, image), you must get admit from owners.

Copyright Law is different from other common law. When you buy a physical object, that means you own the physical possession of object and automatically grants you have the right to copy or share it

The important point is you must buy the physical object from copyright owner, not copying other owners' work.